How to Tell if a Mole Is Cancerous or Not

by: Junji Takano

Although most people are very familiar with moles, not everyone fully understands their underlying cause. In this article, I'll let you know if there's a link between cancer and moles, how to identify cancerous moles, and provide tips on how to make your moles less noticeable.


Mole and Cancerous Mole - What's the Difference?

There are a lot of myths surrounding skin cancer and moles. Some people say that moles on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet may be cancerous. Others say that removing the hair from a mole can make it cancerous. In many cases, these myths stem from the idea that you will most likely get cancer when stimulation is applied to the mole area.

However, it is unlikely that you will get cancer just from actual stimulation. Additionally, there is very little evidence to suggest that a mole is a type of skin cancer in the first place.

Moles are essentially benign tumors that contain nevus cells, which are a type of cell that produces melanin pigment. These cells may be congenital or grow for some reason. These melanin-producing cells, known as melanocytes, can only be considered cancerous or malignant if they exhibit uncontrolled or progressive growth. In other words, cancer and moles shouldn't be linked since they are completely different.

How to Distinguish a "Malignant Mole" from a Benign Mole

One way to determine whether the dark pigmented spot on your skin is a mole or cancer is by examining its regularity. Cancer, by its nature, grows uncontrollably and irregularly. This is in complete contrast to a mole. In fact, normal moles exhibit symmetry in their structure and shape.

However, a bumpy and uneven color, as well as an increasing size of the pigmented spot, can be indications of cancer. Additionally, if a hair grows within the dark pigmented spot, it is solid proof that it is a benign mole and NOT cancer. This is because a malignant mole or cancer destroys the skin pores and prevents hair growth.

TRIVIA: Did you know that mole hairs tend to grow longer than other hairs in the area? This is due to the fact that the capillaries of a mole are growing rapidly and excessively, including the hair follicles.

Mole and Skin Cancer Difference

Moles Can Be Removed, but There Is Also a Risk of Relapse

There are now treatments available for mole removal, such as traditional surgery (excision or shaving) or newer laser methods.

The treatment method used will depend on the location and size of the mole. Generally, large moles are surgically removed, while smaller moles can be eliminated using laser techniques.

Treatment for Mole Removal

Nevertheless, neither of these two treatments is painful once the affected area is subjected to anesthesia.

With that said, keep in mind that mole removal is not a 100% cure. In fact, about 30% of people who undergo treatment experience a relapse.

There are also mole-removing creams available in the market. However, this DIY approach to removing moles is not recommended and is very risky.

A Great Tip to Make Your Mole Less Noticeable

Using eye-catching colors, such as yellow, red, and orange, can help make your mole less noticeable. You can incorporate these colors into your makeup, lipstick, necktie, scarf, and eyeglasses. Experiments have shown that people are more likely to be attracted to these eye-catching colors, which can distract the eye from the mole.

Have a Mole? Don't Do Anything at All!

Studies have shown that most people do not mind a person's mole most of the time. That is, even among friends and family members, it has been found that even in close relationships, people can't remember the location of moles on the other person.

However, if you suspect that your mole is related to melanoma, which is a serious type of skin cancer, I highly recommend the use of the PYRO-ENERGEN electrostatic therapy for treatment and prevention. You can read the article "PYRO-ENERGEN Treatment Against Cancer" for more information.

About the Author:

Junji Takano, the authorJunji Takano is a Japanese health researcher involved in investigating the cause of many dreadful diseases. In 1968, he invented PYRO-ENERGEN, the first and only electrostatic therapy machine that effectively eradicates viral diseases, cancer, and diseases of unknown cause.
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