What is Restless Legs Syndrome?
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) (a.k.a. Wittmaack-Ekbom's syndrome) is nothing new. Our old Chinese medical book indicates the similar syndrome, thus we believe that it has been existing since hundreds of years ago.
However, even modern medical science failed to identify the cause of it, which still remains a guessing game.
Today, the number of patients affected from RLS is increasing as a trend of modern sickness. According to some surveys, 20 to 25% of white-collar workers are suffering from restless legs syndrome.
What Are the Symptoms and Characteristics of Restless Legs Syndrome?
The most common signs and symptoms, which occur commonly in the legs, are:
- discomfort and difficulty to sit or sleep
- antsy feeling
- sharp tingling, tickling, itching, or burning sensation
Moving the affected part of the body will bring immediate relief but only temporarily.
The cause of restless legs syndrome is not exactly known. Medical doctors state a variety of contributing factors such as:
- depression
- iron deficiency in the brain (anemia)
- deficiency of some minerals in the blood
- spinal cord and peripheral nerve distortions
- stress from work
- genetic factors
About thirty years ago, when I was in my 40s, I used to have this very similar syndrome. I thought that I was just tired and had accumulated stress from my work. I immediately left for vacation with my family and friends to a mountain province for three days to alleviate stress. I was right when I noticed that the symptoms were gone when I came back to work. Yes, every so often, we need to have rest to refresh our brain and maintain our health.
Traditional Healing
I remember forty years ago I met several traditional healers in a deep mountainside of northern Philippines. There were an abundance of wild coffee-like trees, and our PYRO-ENERGEN group were served with coffee-like drinks with goat milk. Its taste was exactly the same as coffee we drink here in the city. Then, they spread the used coffee powdered grain around the bamboo house where they live.
We asked why they spread the used coffee around the bamboo house. Their answer was to prevent the red ants from destroying the house and also to cast out evil spirits. These traditional healers believe that restless legs syndrome is caused by the spirits of the ants. What they do is rub the used coffee grounds around the legs and arms and other affected areas of the body. And yes, it is effective.
We have garden flowers and trees surrounding our small house, and we do see a lot of ants there. We use used grated coffee grains around the garden, which prevent some ants. There is no scientific basis for this, but nevertheless it is an effective remedy. Try it. You won't lose anything.
Also try the PYRO-ENERGEN therapy for restless legs syndrome. It is effective, too.
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