How to Prevent Incurable Diseases and Hard-to-cure Diseases
There are diseases that are incurable and hard to cure despite medical advances. Of course, we have been receiving questions on how to prevent or remedy these diseases.
Yes, we know that there are hundreds of incurable and hard-to-cure diseases out there, but we believe this is because we forgot to prevent contracting such diseases. There is a proverb, “Prevention is better than cure”. Many of us have been searching for luxury lifestyle, giving more importance to wealth than health.
Our articles show at least how to prevent such incurable diseases before it is too late. However, we notice that many are still looking for luxury lifestyle instead of managing their own health condition.
It is hard to recover from an accident especially when it causes physical body deformation, although some deformation can be fixed or substituted artificially with surgical operations.
Let's take the case of arthritis. Once your feet, hands, and joints are deformed, there is no remedy at all. Probably, surgical operation can restore it.
A gravely deteriorated body due to diabetes is also difficult to restore. Various parts of internal organs may be affected and had come to the point where it no longer functions to support a healthy life.
Let's take the case of cancer and leukemia. Many try to visit various doctors to find remedies without thinking its cause. If it is caused by nuclear radiation, electromagnetic radiation, X-rays, and toxic pollutants, then it will be hard to cure or there is no alternative way to cure it. These cases are considered incurable. However, if the cause is unknown, then, there are many ways to heal it, although the right method of healing is hard to find in modern medical science. Is it not the reason why many resort to traditional healers believing in faith? But we also wonder how many traditional healers around the world know the real cause of cancer? Does lack of knowledge makes a difference?
Let's take the case of dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and other related diseases. Mostly, patients or their guardians and attending doctors have no definite answer on its cause and its healing technology. Stress, fatigue, environmental factors, heredity...lots of guessing answers without getting any clue. Thus, they remain incurable or hard to cure.
One may wonder why such incurable or hard-to-cure diseases are striking many religious and honest-looking people. Probably, it is not only me who think that way. I myself was a poor, thin, sickly, and ugly person. What was wrong with me? I became to envy the rich, and physically fit, healthy, and good-looking people. Are parents responsible for this? It's hard to answer.
We may not find the true reason behind it unless we become very religious person. I am not a religious man, but I guess I found it in my way of thinking.
To conquer all of them, I had to strive to make my body healthy, until I realized that something had to be done ahead of anything else. There is no concrete answer for this, but a chance is there in your mind, whether it's peace of mind, professional way of thinking, experience, or laughter.
Let's take the case of any kinds of inventions. Most inventions occur accidentally and randomly. The PYRO-ENERGEN itself was an idea from a traditional healer and with God's help.
If you are poor, thin, sickly, and ugly, then sleep and rest. When you wake up, your brain is clear and working well. Then, remember or recall your experiences. If you have done something wrong, then repent and promise not to repeat it. Now, at least you have clear mind. You can think of ideas or what you want to do from your experiences. Your brain can receive waves and emit fresh waves to every parts of your body. You can also hear fresh sounds, which are the waves of success.
This is one of the ways that triggers you to gain energy, and conquer the poor, thin, sickly, and ugly body of yours. That's how I tried, and I believe I was able to escape from poor life and have at least an enjoyable life. From skinny to fat, sickly health is no longer around with me. Ugly face remains as is with age, but I am not conscious about it any longer at my old age. I feel that I am now well guided. I have told my experiences to thousands of people and many of them became well.
Religion will not help you become rich and well. It is YOU who have to do good in the eyes of God, and not the religion.
PYRO-ENERGENHow to escape from incurable or hard-to-cure diseases? If your illness is due to unknown causes or viruses, then it is really difficult to answer. Why don't you try the PYRO-ENERGEN? That is the only answer we can say.
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